Sunday 14 August 2011

Becoming Aware

Throughout the Felderkrais exercise that was undertaken in week one I found that I eventually became more aware of my body by the end of the class. Initially however it was difficult to feel past the areas of pain and discomfort in my body such as the muscular pain in my thigh from a gym workout the day before, and the discomfort felt in my back as I find it difficult to flatten my arch onto the floor. After a while though I was able to properly take in what the instructor was saying so that I could be more in touch with my body and all its parts. It would be a good feeling to be able to train our mind and our bodies to ignore the pain and focus on other parts of the body. This would be a natural and much healthier way of dealing with the aches and pains that we so commonly feel and let get in the way of everyday life!

In my diagram (my skeleton of feeling) the thicker and darker areas show the parts of my body that I was more aware of during the exercise, whereas the lighter and thinner areas represent the places that I was less aware of and didn’t take my notice to what was being felt, or maybe felt lighter in a way.  

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